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목록BugBounty/Write up (16)
Hack The World

https://pethuraj.com/blog/google-bug-bounty-writeup/ $3133.7 Google Bug Bounty Writeup- XSS Vulnerability! Google Bug Bounty writeup for which I earned some $ as a reward for reporting a XSS Vulnerability on one of Google's subdomains. pethuraj.com recon tool 을 사용하여 google 서브도메인 검색 tez.google.com 찾음 (현재 google pay) 해당 사이트 검색중 URL 에 referrer id 변수가 포함되는것을 찾음 구글해킹을 사용하여 referrer_id 가 포함된 검색결과를 찾음 ..

https://pethuraj.com/blog/how-i-earned-800-for-host-header-injection-vulnerability/ How I earned $800 for Host Header Injection Vulnerability - Bug Bounty Writeups HTTP response header injection vulnerabilities arise when user-supplied data is copied into a response header in an unsafe way. pethuraj.com TIP If the website works with an arbitrary host header, the client can modify the host header..

이 취약점은 민감한 계정정보(auth_token) 탈취후 계정 인증을 우회한 취약점으로 2500$ 를 포상받은 취약점이다. 해당 사이트는 비공개로 보고서가 올라왔다. 원본 : https://medium.com/@sakyb7/tale-of-account-takeover-sensitive-info-disclosure-broken-access-control-cea0a5e3a1fd Tale of account takeover — Sensitive info Disclosure + Broken Access Control Hi Mates, Myself Md Saqib from India I'm new to this bug hunting community, hope you are doing good. Today I'm..
비밀번호reset 페이지에서 간단한 IDOR 로 $4500 을 받은 리포트 원본:https://medium.com/@swapmaurya20/a-simple-idor-to-account-takeover-88b8a1d2ec24 Original Request:- POST /login/internalResetPasswordSubmit?Toketoken=random_char&m=1234&nid=random_char HTTP/1.1 Host: subdomain.example.com Headers: Etc Cookie: all_required_cookies {“email”:”attacker_account@test.com”,”password”:”new_passwd”,”confirmPassword”:”new_passwd..

What is Hyperlink Injection, its basically spoofing or injecting a link when sending an email invitation. Its a P5 according to bugcrowd, but some companies might consider it as a serious issue so report if you find it, might get paid. 하이퍼링크 인젝션 취약점인데 해당 취약점은 Missive app 에서 발생된거같다. Missive 는 채팅앱 인거같은데 사용자를 초대하는 과정에서 취약점이 발생하였다. 초대 메일을 보내게되면 다음과같이 초대 메세지를 볼수있게된다. 여기서는 조직이름인 Whatnow 그리고 초대장 발송의 성 ..

https://appsecure.security/blog/how-i-could-have-hacked-your-uber-account How I could have hacked your Uber account This post is about an account takeover vulnerability on Uber which allowed attackers to takeover any other user’s Uber account (including riders, partners, eats) accounts by supplying user uuid in the API request and using the leaked token in the API respo appsecure.security 우버 에서 ..